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A Fortress of Faith
An original hymn focused on covenants and things we can do to strengthen faith.
A Heart Like His
A song to inspire ministering and create hearts like the Savior's.
A Place to Heal
A message about the temple and the peace and healing we can find there.
A Pure Heart
A Christmas song about a shepherd boy who makes the journey to Bethlehem.
All Things Testify
Everything around us has the fingerprint of Jesus Christ, the great Creator.
An Answer to Prayer
As we lift and serve, we become answers to each other's prayers.
Ask In Faith
If we want to know truth, we must ask God in Faith, nothing wavering.
At His Feet
As we come unto Christ and lay our burdens at His feet, we are healed.
The Savior's invitation is simple. Believe in Him.
Beyond Christmas
A song to encourage us to give gifts of love beyond Christmas.
But A Moment
A song to strengthen and comfort in adversity. Our afflictions shall be but a small moment.
But If Not
An original hymn about remaining faithful, even when our prayers are not answered in the way we hoped.
Closer Than You Know
A song to remind us that we are never alone. The Lord is closer than we know.
Come Home
A song to encourage the strengthening of families, no matter our circumstances.
Come Thou Fount
An arrangement of this beloved hymn. Suitable for sacrament meeting performance.
Come To Know Him
A song about our dear Savior. He invites us to each come to know Him.
Endure It Well
An original hymn, written as a simple prayer.
A simple piano instrumental.
Fear Not Little One
A melody that came to follow me to Uganda and home.
Filled With His Light
A song written for youth written based on the scripture "...let virtue garnish thy thoughts."
A restoration hymn medley, piano instrumental.
Give A Little More
A simple Christmas song, perfect for a ward program.
Help Thou Mine Unbelief
A song, written as a prayer, pleading for the Lord to help find faith in adversity.
His Love
My first published Christ-centered song about the love Jesus Christ has for us.
His Promises Are Sure
A simple primary song testifying of the Lord's promises that we can trust.
Holy One
A reverent Christmas solo testifying of Jesus Christ's birth.
Home On the Range
A violin/piano/vocal arrangement of this favorite well known classic cowboy song.
A simple piano instrumental solo.
How Can I Know?
A two-part song for primary children about testimony.
How Is It Done?
A two-part song based on the scripture in Enos from the Book of Mormon.
Hugs from Heaven
A song for mother hearts reminding them they can receive a hug from heaven anytime, anywhere.
I Am His Disciple
A two-part primary song defining what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.
I Believe
Though we weren't on the earth when Jesus performed His miracles, we can still believe.
I Feel You There
A song of comfort that the Lord is near and can bring us strength and light.
If Jesus Came Today
A song with reference to the parable of the ten virgins and the preparation of the Savior's second coming.
Immoveable In Faith
A song written for the youth about being faithful, steadfast and immoveable.
In The Lord's Time
"Faith in God includes faith in God's timing.”—Elder Neal A. Maxwell
I Stand All Amazed
A simple arrangement of a beloved sacrament hymn. Many versions available.
It Is Jesus
A Christmas hymn testifying of the divinity of the Jesus Christ, our Savior.
I Want To Learn of Jesus Christ
A song for primary children, meant to speak to the hearts of adults who bear the responsibility of teaching them.
I Will Go and Do
A song for the youth about obedience and faith.
I Will Love Him
A song for the youth about remembering the first and great commandment.
I Will Remember Him
A primary song about baptism and the sacrament, where we renew our baptismal covenants.
I Will Serve Him
A song for all missionaries and missionary minded hearts.
I Will Strengthen My Family
A simple primary message that we can strengthen our families in many ways and no matter our circumstances.
Josephs Prayer
A Christmas song from the perspective of Joseph and the task he was entrusted to raise the Son of God.
Joy In The Journey
A message to remind us to find joy in the journey, despite our circumstances.
Just Hold On
A message of faith and hope in trials.
Light The World
A song to support the #LightTheWorld service initiative of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We can light the world with love and kindness.
Look To Him
A song about our Savior's ability to calm our storms.
Miracles For Me
A message about miracles and how God answers prayers.
More Than A Baby
A Christmas song testifying of the divinity of the Savior's birth.
My Faith Grows
A simple primary song about faith and how when we follow Jesus Christ our faith grows.
Never Give Up On the Quest
An energetic song for the youth to support the message of the gathering of Israel as our prophet has encouraged.
Not Far From Home
A simple message to remind us that our Heavenly Home isn't far.
Though October is a sign that winter is on its way, we can find hope in the knowledge of beautiful springs and summers to come.
One Who Believes
A song for youth to inspire them to be examples of the believers.
Only Faith
A choir number about how faith in the Savior binds our wounds and heals them.
Peace Found In Christ
A song about the peace the Saviors brings and how He is the sole source of peace.
A beautiful piano/cello Christmas hymn medley. Violin/piano version also available.
Press Forward In The Truth
A song for youth about pressing forward with faith and testimony.
Put On Thy Strength, O Zion
An original hymn about the strength of the priesthood and the restoration of the gospel.
Road To Bethlehem
A Christmas song about a shepherd boy who makes the journey to Bethlehem.
Savior, More Like Thee
A message of gratitude, hope, and the ability to repent because of our Savior.
She Loves Much
A message specifically for women. We love much and do what we can!
The Covenant Path
An original hymn encouraging us to stay on the covenant path!
Thy Healing Hands
The theme song from the album, "Thy Healing Hands". A song about the Savior's ability to heal us personally.
Unto The Lord
A song based on the scripture in Alma 37:36-37 of the Book of Mormon.
Was I There?
A Christmas song for children about Christ's birth.
We Seek After These Things
A song for youth based on the 13th Article of Faith.
When Thou Carries Me
A message about the Savior and how He carries us in our afflictions.
Where Would We Be Without Family?
A song about the importance of families and the roles we play in our homes and communities.
Woman of Christ
A song written specifically for young women. Based on Elder Holland's talk "To Young Women".
Written In Our Hearts
Written for the youth - a theme song for Martin's Cove about the sacrifice of the pioneers.
You Are His Child
A message about our divine worth and our Heavenly Father's love for us.
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Never Give Up On The QuestFeat. Benson Baril, Evie Clair, Rosevelt Rawls, Josh Mortensen, Kirra Abplanalp and Taylee Baril4:07