Gather – Medley of Restoration Hymns

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Story Behind the Song

In March of 2020, just as the world stopped due to COVID-19, I started working on a hymn medley that would hopefully help us be excited about the part we each play in the gathering of Israel and the restoration. It was really something I wanted to share for the bi-centennial of the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and in light of the circumstances with COVID-19 and how it affected our worship services, these four hymns have even more meaning to me than ever. “…all is well….all is well….”

This is an imperfect and raw recording of “We Thank Thee, O God, For a Prophet”, “Come, Come, Ye Saints”, “Israel, Israel God Is Calling” and “Praise to the Man” – ending with two key lines from the first two hymns again. Ponder their messages…Come, come ye saints…and we love to obey God’s command…

As I have pondered the words of these hymns and the order in which the arrangement came, I think of the early pioneer saints who followed Brigham Young to an unknown land to settle; and how we are again being asked to follow a prophet today in uncharted waters to places where we will be safe. I trust His voice and choose to listen.

May the messages of these hymns renew your spirit, restore faith and help us to keep our eyes on the prophet. He is our watchman on the tower. I have simply titled this restoration hymn medley: “Gather”.

Chin up, everyone! Let us gather, do our part in the continued restoration, be cheerful and full of faith – and with JOY wend our way.