Come to Know Him || MP3 Vocal Album





A new collection of beautiful, faith-filled songs about our Savior, Jesus Christ. Featuring the vocal talents of Daniel Beck, April Meservy, David Osmond, Julie Rose, Keith McKay Evans and others.

Individual and accompaniment tracks also available.

Click the play button and use the forward/backward arrows to sample the songs.

  1. 1. Come To Know Him (feat. Daniel Beck) Sara Lyn Baril 0:42
  2. 2. How Is It Done (feat. Traci Ellingson & Jennifer Ehlert) Sara Lyn Baril 0:40
  3. 3. Look To Him (feat. Keith McKay Evans) Sara Lyn Baril 0:50
  4. 4. When Thou Carries Me (feat. Jennifer Ehlert & Sara Lyn Baril) Sara Lyn Baril 0:50
  5. 5. Written In Our Hearts (Youth Choir) Sara Lyn Baril 0:44
  6. 6. I Will Remember Him (feat. Benson Baril) Sara Lyn Baril 0:43
  7. 7. Miracles For Me (feat. Sara Bethany Ham) Sara Lyn Baril 0:40
  8. 8. I Stand All Amazed (feat. David Osmond) Sara Lyn Baril 0:47
  9. 9. Believe (feat. Julie Rose) Sara Lyn Baril 0:39
  10. 10. Closer Than You Know (feat. April Meservy) Sara Lyn Baril 0:38
  11. 11. Help Thou Mine Unbelief (feat. Jennifer Ehlert) Sara Lyn Baril 0:50
  12. 12. I Will Serve Him (feat. Daniel Beck) Sara Lyn Baril 0:41
  13. 13. If Jesus Came Today (feat. April Meservy) Sara Lyn Baril 0:40


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